
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Featured Craft artist of the Week Kenya Velazquez

This week I would like to welcome a friend, Kenya from LoveYewDesigns. While she is not the youngest  Esty Shop Owner I have interviewed, she is still a teenager who has decided to become an entrepreneur, which I think is create! I guess the teacher in me always enjoys seeing young people developing skills that will help them throughout their lives.
Kenyas shop is full of wonderful items that she and her mom make and this month she if offering some great discounts!  So, when you get a chance, stop by and check out her shop! The discount  codes can be found at the end of this article.

1.What would you like us to know about you?

I'm an 18 years old who lives in SoCal. San Bernardino Ca. to be specific. I am currently attending college.

2.When did you discover Etsy?
A year ago. June 2011

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?
I was looking for a place to sell handmade items, and I found Etsy, I hoped it would help me make extra cash which would help me in school. I have 4 sales so far, but I have met incredible and awesome people in the way :)

4.What do you sell?
I sell different things! Jewelry,  baby clothes,  hair accessories,  bathroom decorations, and more.
5.How did you come up with your shop name?
"I love you" was my inspiration. First I alway say "Love You" to people I love. Second I wanted it to be unique, so instead of you I used yew. LOVEYEW :) and they are unique designs made with love so LoveYewDesigns :)

6.How would you describe your shop?
Unique! You can find random things and different than other shops, and also I would describe it affordable, you get the best quality and you can still afford it :)

7.What inspires / motivates you?
My mom. She loves handmade items, she started selling them with her friends and neighbors, so I wanted to help her, so I opened this shop :) and then we would go shopping for her materials and I saw beads and charms so I wanted to start creating handmade items myself. AND I DID! :) In this shop the jewelry and the hair accessories are mine, the home decor items and baby clothes are my mommy's :)
8.How has Etsy changed your life?
In the beginning I wasn't very active here in my shop, but when I had my first sale I was very happy! Then I started talking with other shop owners, and I made a lot of friends, I think that is what has made me like Etsy a lot, meeting new people that love to create beautiful handmade items.

9.Where else can we find you?

10.Is there anything else you would like to share?
Yes, I want to thank a special person, not just for being my first customer, but  because she always gives me tips on how to have a better shop, I have better photos thanks to her, and now she is featuring me here in her blog! Thank you so much Edna!

11.When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it?
I usually get ideas when I am at the bead store, like when I am walking around at Michael's I see something I like I buy it and then when I get home I see all the items I purchased and I create something new. I list it almost right away, but sometimes I am busy with school so I can't be on Etsy for a long time.

12. How much time do you spend on your shop each week?
It depends, if I have a busy schedule at school then I spend around 2 hours a day. around 14 hours a week. When I am not busy with homework or studying I spend 4 hours a day, 28 hrs a week.

13. How do you promote your shop?

Teams, treasuries, facebook, tweeter, pinterest.

14. How important is social media for your shop?
Very important, I made a facebook page and twitter like a month ago, and it really helped. I should've started a long time ago.

Is this good?
I have a sale going on all July
♥ July is Month Of Savings!♥
* All month of July get 15% off CODE: JULY15
* On Sundays Rosaries are only $15
* Get FREE Shipping on Canada items
** Offers cannot be combined

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