
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Very Hungry Turkey Picture eBook for Young Readers

The Hungry Turkey is a cute Picture eBook that teaches kids about what baby turkeys eat as they are growing up in the wild. It also reviews the days of the week, and it can help with counting as well. If you are looking for a book to share with kids as the Thanks Giving season arrives, you have to take a look at this book. You may like The Very Hungry caterpillar, you will also like the Hungry Turkey.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Holiday Christmas Photo Props INSTANT DOWNLOAD KIT Set of 16 Christmas Party Printables

Get ready for the Holiday Parties! Set up a photo booth to create some memorable moments.

Here are some Christmas Photo Booth Props to help.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How To Start a Linen Rental Business

Learn what you will need to run a linen business from home. This book will walk you through the steps you need to take to get started.

Starting a home business does not have to break the bank. Learn how to start out small.

You can learn more at:

How to make Pinatas and Sell Them from Home

Piñata making is fun, creative, and fairly easy!
Now you can make you own piñatas for you kids, friends, and family.
This book is over 115 pages.
PART ONE: Walks you though every step of creating three different types of piñatas, paper maches, cardboard, and pull piñatas. Every page is full on pictures that show you exactlly what to do. 

Once you have mastered making you pinatas, you can learn how to sell them for some extra money. 
PART TWO of the book is the business plan and the marketing ideas. You will learn how to price you work and how to let others know about your business.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Number of the Day- Math morning work- Daily Number Review

You will get 12 different designs with the same practice questions.

I use this sheets daily. Everyday I give them a different number. My students use their whiteboard marker to fill out the sheet which is placed in a sheet protector. After we go over our answers, they wipe the sheet off with a piece of felt. Now they are ready for tomorrows number.

Students get a stronger understanding of number sense.
They learn about:
Model Drawing 
Number Names
Odd and Even
Place Value 
Expanded Form
Ten More and Ten Less

If you have any questions send me an email!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

School of Wizardry Birthday Party Invitation Printable Wizard and Witches Magic Potions Inspired

School of Wizardry Birthday Party Invitation Printable Wizard and Witches Magic Potions Inspired

Are you having a witches party? These invitations are prefect for your next costume party, or magic potion party!