
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cupcake Toppers Cupcake Wrappers Print at Home

Cupcakes are very popular these days.  Here are some sample of the cupcake wrappers and cupcake toppers that I have been working on. If you would like a specific cupcake wrapper or topper, let me know.

Cowboy Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized

Cowgirl  Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Hibiscus Flower  Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Candy Land Candy Shop Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Alice in Wonderland Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Beach Party Luau Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Baby shower cowboy Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

 Baby Cowboy Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Classic Alice in Wonderland Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

 Easter Cupcake Wrappers and Cupcake Toppers Personalized 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Featured Craft artist of the Week: McCord from yourheartstrings

Our featured artist this week is Bobbi McCord from yourheartstrings.

Bobbi and I share a kinship in that we are both in the field of education. We both teach elementary students!  


Bobbi loves to be creative and makes gifts that are one of a kind.  She is offering a 15% OFF coupon to all my blog readers. So let’s learn more about her and her shop. Welcome Bobbi!



1.What would you like us to know about you?
 I am a mom of a 3 year old boy who is my whole world! I am a licensed k-6 Elementary Teacher. I have spent the last year substitute teaching and building my Business! My dream is to work from home and spend more time with my family. I hope to help everyone become more personal with each other. In this day, it seems sending an email or facebook message is so much easier than sending a card. But who doesn't love recieving a handmade, custom, one of a kind card in the mail just letting them know that someone is thinking about them? Some of my other favorite hobbys are crafting, reading, traveling, running, camping, fishing, photography, and playing with my little boy!

2.When did you discover Etsy? I discovered Etsy in MAach of 2011, but I did not get serious until December of that year. Starting in January of 2012 I decided to dedicate as much time as possible to my new business and Etsy Shop! I began posting in the forums, joining teams and circles, making treasuries, and listing many more items.

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop? I decided to open an Etsy shop once I became more serious about making my business more successful. I have a Facebook Business Page: and wanted to reach out to more people and give them an easier way to shop for my products!

4.What do you sell? I create handmade greeting cards, hang tags, invitations, bookmarks, scrapbooks and journals. All of my products are handmade by me and unique. My most popular items are custom hang tags. I love creating these items. I love using lots of bright colors and unique punches and stamps!

5.How did you come up with your shop name? When I first thought about starting a business I wanted a sweet but personal name. Heartstrings was the first I thought of. I hope to tug on the Heartstrings of every person who finds my business. I want them to feel as unique as the product they are looking at. Everyone deserves to feel special and receiveing a unique custom product helps make this happen! Your Heartstrings are where you feel emotions, excitment, sentimental, and special. Your Heartstrings are what make you who you are, one of a kind, thoughtful, needed, and necessary!

6.How would you describe your shop?  My shop is fun to be in! It is bright and shiny! I have lots of clean and vibrant colors. I have different styles and unique items so every type of personallity can find something they love. I create many custom orders so everybody has a chance to give thier item a personal touch. Each item has the option to change its color or quantity and all of my custom orders ship withing 48 hours of purchas!
I have a growing list of products and I am always trying out new styles and love getting ideas from customers!

7.What inspires / motivates you? My family motivates me! They are always encouraging me to think outside the box and try new things. I love looking through all of my matierials and creating something that I love and can't wait to show it to everyone else! I am inspired by art and photography and nature. I love fun, lighthearted patterns and stamps on my products. The thought of somebody recieving my on of cards in the mail and making them smile drives me to continue creating! Knowing that my hang tags will be used in somebody's wedding, or for graduation announcements, or a first birthday party inspires me to reach out to more and more people! I love being a part of someones special day!!

8.How has Etsy changed your life?  Etsy has played a huge role in making my business more successful! It has given me the resources I needed to reach out to more people and make my items more accessible. It has given me a support group through the discussion boards and forums. I have people who are their to help with anything I am struggling with and celebrate with me when I reach my goals. Etsy is more than a selling marketplace. It is a community, somewhere you can go to reach out, create friendships and share your unique style with people from all over the world. Every handmade item on Etsy is created with patience and love for the customer. It is hard to find that anywhere else.

9.Where else can we find you? Do you have a website or blog outside of Etsy?
You can find me at:
or on my Etsy shop at:

10.Is there anything else you would like to share? There are a lot of people who make the same types of items I make. So why would someone come and visit me at my store? I like to think I make them feel happy, welcome, and one of a kind. They are not customers, they are people just like you or me. A mom who is having a baby and wants her baby shower invitations to stand out. An 18 year old who is the first in his family to graduate high school and wants and extra special graduation announcement. A young girl who wants her wedding to be one of a kind and needs silver and white hang tags to attatch to her invitations. They are all equally important and deserve to feel that way!
I respond to every message, custom order, question or thought as soon as I recieve it and begin the order as soon as it is placed. This is not as much a business as it is a way of life. I love making others smile.

11. When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it? When I get a new idea it depends on how thought out the idea is! Sometimes I get an idea and it seems straight forward until I start creating it! Then I realize I need to think a little bit more about it! But usually I can have an idea created and listen within a day. But sometimes I start on one idea and it leads to three more ideas and before I know it, I have scraps, stamps, makers, ink and scissors everywhere, and nothing made! haha

12. How much time do you spend on your shop take each week? I spend about 4-5 hours a day on my shop. If I have no orders to fill I usually try to post in the forums, make a treasury or just increase my amount of listings. I usually don't work on my shop too much on the weekends. I try to spend that time with my family. However, if I have a large order to do or if somebody needs something finished on a rush, I will work on that!

Tips you might give other thinking of opening an online shop: 
13. How do you promote your shop? I try to promote my items in the forums on Etsy and on Facebook. I use Facebook a lot as marketing tool. I have run contests, giveaways, coupon codes and other fun things to help generate more sales. I also reach out to local business and try to get my items in thier shop!

14. How important is social media for your shop? Social media is very important to me since that is the easiest and most efficiant way of reaching out to a large amount of people at one time. I also love being able to connect with my fans on Facebook on a more personal level. Many times I will post something like, "What are you plans for today?" It has nothing to do with my business, but it gets a conversation going and makes them feel as though they are personally connected with me and my business.

I will have a coupon code active the week of my feature in your blog. The Coupon Code will be MIS2MANOS15 and they will receive 15% at checkout when they use it!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Featured Craft artist of the Week: Lauren Peters from fibermade4

This week I would like to welcome Lauren Peters from fibermade4! Lauren is one of our youngest etsy shop owners. Her passion is yarn, it’s also mine. So, stop by her shop and see if there is anything you like! Welcome Lauren!!!

1.What would you like us to know about you? I love crafts, not just with fiber ;)

2.When did you discover Etsy? My mom had gotten a few things from Etsy before i opened

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop? I thought it would be nice to sell the things I make instead of them hidding in my closet

4.What do you sell? mostly children and baby but I do have a few other things to

5.How did you come up with your shop name? I was trying to have a fun and new name and nobody else has it so I used it!

6.How would you describe your shop? Fun new fresh

7.What inspires / motivates you? my little sister and I hope to get into a nice college someday

8.How has Etsy changed your life? I’m a lot busier but I get to learn new things every day about other people that have done well

9.Where else can we find you? (Do you have a website or blog outside of Etsy?) No, I don’t have any other websites or blogs

10.Is there anything else you would like to share? enjoy your life

11.When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it? not very long, maybe a day

12. How much time do you spend on your shop take each week? About 5 to 8 hours

13. How do you promote your shop? I tell a lot of people about it

14. How important is social media for your shop? I think I would be really nice to get more media to get my name out there.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Giveaway! DIY Party Kit by Labarradulce

Tememos otra rifa! 

DIY Party Kit Giveaway by Labarradulce

Regina G. de labarradulce nos ofrece una rifa de un Party Kit
Aquí está una muestra de lo que se podían ganar.
El ganador elige cuál conjunto les gustaría recibir!

 Venga y juegue es gratis!


 We have another GIVEAWAY!
Regina G. of labarradulce is offering us a DIY Party Kit Giveaway! Here is a sample of what you could win. The winner chooses which set they would like to receive!

You could be the winner so play!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Artezano De La Semana Regina G. de labarradulce

Hola a todas y a todos! Hoy me gustaría presentar a la artista Regina G. de labarradulce.  Ella diseña y vende articulos para fiestas. En este articulo Regina nos ofrece un descuento de 10% en todas las compras en Etsy.
pero tambien no va a
ofrecer un RIFA! Para mas información continúen leyendo!

1.¿Qué te gustaría que sepamos acerca de tí?
soy diseñadora industrial de Guatemala aunque actualmente me dedico mas a la reposteria. desde el 2004 me dedico a la venta de party supplies y articulos de fiestas y reposteria en guatemala, principalmente online.

2.¿Cuándo descubriste Etsy?
el sitio no es tan famoso en Guatemala, lo descubri en Google buscando un sitio para aceptar pagos online mediante Paypal y me encanto!
Todas las semanas entro y me encanta ver los productos e ideas tan originales que postean.

3.¿Qué te llevó a abrir una tienda en Etsy?
al principio unicamente lo iba a utilizar para ventas locales y aceptar pagos online en Guatemala pero luego subi un DIY Party kit, luego ya varios y luego me atrevi a hacer envios internacionales vendiendo Washi tapes.

4.¿Qué es lo que vendes?
vendo DIY party kits personalizados y Washi tapes que hasta que estuve en Etsy supe los muchos usos que se les pueden dar y ahora hasta los utilizo para decorar las paredes de mi casa :)
el DIY party kit que mas he vendido es el diseño de Soccer.

5.¿Cómo se te ocurrió el nombre de tu tienda?
la barra dulce es el nombre de mi empresa de reposteria y la marca que utilizo en todas las redes sociales, vendo en Guatemala pasteles y candy stations la traduccion literal de un "Candy bar" o candy station seria "la barra dulce"

6.¿Cómo describiría su tienda?
es una tienda custom friendly, cambia constantemente ya que vendo diseños que me inspiran y solicitan mis clientes locales e internacionales, todo lo que vendo puede ser personalizado y si encuentro algo cute y original que pueda enviar facilmente a nivel internacional, como los washi tapes, lo ire posteando en mi tienda

7.¿Qué te inspira /o te motiva?
me inspira la cultura guatemalteca, me encanta viajar en mi pais, aunque actualmente no lo hago mucho por trabajo. Como diseñadora encuentro mucha inspiracion en el colorido de los textiles y los paisajes de mi pais.

8.¿Cómo ha cambiado tu vida con Etsy?
ahora vendo realmente a nivel internacional, ya he enviado mis diseños y productos a Brazil, Australia y hasta a el Polo Norte!!
He aprendido a tratar a gente de muchos paises y me he dado cuenta que el servicio al cliente y la relacion vendedor-comprador se trata de manera diferente en cada pais.

9.¿Dónde más podemos encontrar te?

10.¿Hay algo más que le gustaría compartir?

que se animen a abrir la tienda pero tengan paciencia ya que no es tan rapido como uno creeria y no se desanimen ya que es super emocionante cuando uno envia sus diseños super lejos :)
Etsy es un buen lugar para inspirarse, hacer nuevos amigos y hacer contactos en todo el mundo.

11. Cuando consigues una nueva idea, ¿cuánto tiempo te llevará a ejecutar y añadirla a tu tienda?
depende, cuando un cliente me pide un diseño custom trato que en menos de 48 horas ya este el listing publicado pero algunas veces tengo la idea, hago bocetos en la compu y al cabo de varios dias o semanas se hace realidad.

12. ¿Cuánto tiempo toma tu tienda cada semana?
todos los dias ingreso a Etsy y reviso las stats de mi tienda, y comparto listings en diferentes redes sociales.

13. ¿Cómo promueves tu tienda?
la promuevo en todas las redes sociales principalmente Pinterest y Twitter, tambien en los teams de Etsy, probe con los anuncios dentro de Esy pero a mi personalmente no me funcionaron

14. ¿Qué importancia tiene los medios sociales para tu tienda?
son super importantes no solo para mi tienda en Etsy si no para mi negocio en Guatemala, vivo de las redes sociales y paso todo el dia trabajando y posteando mi trabajo en ellas.

** Puedes publicar el couponcode: GIVEAWAY para un -10% en todas las compras en Etsy.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Featured Craft artist of the Week: Nicola Baker from Handmade by Nicola Baker

Good morning everyone!
Today I would like to introduce Nicola Baker owner of Handmadeby Nicola Baker. She creates art pieces and items for your home that are one of a kind, each of the pieces she makes are individual and made at a high quality, giving you something unique every time so stop by her shop at Handmade by Nicola Baker. If you do order from her, she has offered our readers a 15% discount on purchases. The code is included in this interview , so keep reading!

1.What would you like us to know about you?
My name is Nicola Baker and I live in the North East of England,UK in a place called Durham with my husband and our two young sons.
Durham is a lovely city, but what has struck me over the years is that all of the shops are the same and what they sell is generally the same. In fact not just in Durham, in most of the UK. That’s why over the past ten years I started to make more and more of my own pieces of art – it’s just lovely to have something different in your home. So, initially from making things for my own house, I started to sell my work in shops and galleries.

2.When did you discover Etsy?
I discovered Etsy September 2011, however it wasn't until earlier this year that I actually started to work on my shop listings, participate in Teams and promote it. It took a while to understand the different things you need to do to help promote your shop. Initially it seemed daunting, reading about favourites, circles etc. I suppose anything new and different is daunting, but people on the Teams are very helpful, ask a question and if anyone can help they will.

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?
For a number of years I have sold my work in galleries, shops and have participated in various craft fairs. Now that can be pretty limited to just where you live so I feel why can’t anyone, no matter where in the world have some lovely pieces of art, whether that be a gorgeous handmade paper bowl, some fabulous mixed media pictures for your home or as a beautiful gift or lovely individual handmade cards? That's why I decided to open my Etsy shop. There are so many beautiful shops on there, it's inspiring to see people doing something they obviously love and creative and actually making a living from it.

4.What do you sell?
I sell a variety of paper related products. From handmade paper bowls and handmade greeting cards to original art collages and art prints.


5.How did you come up with your shop name?
I sell different products, so felt I didn't want to narrow a shop name down to 'Paper Bowls by Nicola Baker' for example. I wanted a name to be able to act as an umbrella for a number of products, thus allowing me to add other shop sections. All my products are made by myself so the name Handmade by Nicola Baker was born.

6.How would you describe your shop?
In my shop there are lots of items for the home, ideal as gifts or for yourself.

7.What inspires / motivates you?
My products are inspired by textures, colours and techniques I have discovered mainly while travelling. My house is my canvas; sometimes I'm guilty of creating art that I would like to own, but hopefully that resonates with other people too.

Sometimes I have to take a break from making, whether it be for five minutes or for the rest of the day. I usually go and work on something else or catch up with my admin if the juices really aren't flowing! Some days a field trip is in order – to the library, an art gallery or just a walk to check out architecture, surroundings and just to clear my head and thought process.

I feel if I keep working on something and I'm just not feeling it then it shows in the end product. If you are making something just for the sake of it then it usually shows and as a maker you view that work differently. I just want to be the best I can be and to make the best products. I keep telling my 6 year old never to give up, just keep trying and you will feel so proud. So I've got to try, really!

8.How has Etsy changed your life? 
Etsy has allowed me to be more focused and creative as I now have a shop front which I see daily and want to make it the best it can be. I now feel I am more in control of my business. I can see how may shop looks and rearrange it accordingly. When you leave your products to be sold in someone else’s shop they decide where to place your work and how much they will promote it.

 9.Where else can we find you?
I have a blog - My Blog shows people snippets of what's new in my shop, information which I have found which may be useful, and features some amazing artists.

You can also follow me on Twitter @nicolabakerart

10.Is there anything else you would like to share?
If you are having a bad day or a period where you are struggling with ideas or sales then view it as a bad period, nothing else. Don't dwell on it. As an artist you put so much pressure on yourself and self doubt can easily creep in, but without this self-critique would our products be the best they can be?

11.When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it?
It depends on the product, it takes longer to make a paper bowl or a collage, so it can take around a week to make it and list it.

12. How much time do you spend on your shop take each week?
I spend around 20 hours on my shop. The time is taken up with coming up with new ideas and experimenting with them, making products, listing them, participating in Teams on Etsy and promoting items. Saying that, it actually could be more than 20 hours some weeks!

13. How do you promote your shop?
I have a blog and Twitter account. So far I have resisted Facebook, but I think now is the time to promote my shop on there.

14. How important is social media for your shop? 
Don't underestimate the power of social media and how it can help your business. The world is our marketplace now and there's never been a better time to sell your work. The goalposts have changed – leaflets and business cards aren't as important as a good web presence and Twitter account. It's one more thing to learn and get to grips with, but those who do will find they not only build their sales, but accelerate them.
If you could offer your readers a 15% discounton purchases with this code - Blog15.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wizard Birthday Invitations School of Wizardry Birthday Party Invitation Printable Harry Potter Inspired

This is a new invitation. I was inspired by the Book Harry Potter!
Set the tone for the perfect Party with the perfect invite! 

This invitation wording will be changed to include your party information. The invitation measures 5 X 7 inches (you can request a size change with your party info.)