
Thursday, May 31, 2012

BBQ Invitations diy Printable Barbecue Party Invites Personalized Summer Party Custom Orders

This is an adorable, Personalized Barbecue Party Digital Invitation.
Set the tone for the perfect Party with the perfect invite! 

The invitation wording will be changed to include your party information. The invitation measures 5 X 7 inches (you can request a size change with your party info.) 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Featured Craft artist of the Week: Korinne Wiese from ToyBoxflameOfsilver

This week I would love to introduce Korinne Wiese from ToyBoxflameOfsilver. Korinne loves to create toys for children.  Read on an learn about this wonderful crafter and learn about her 20% coupon to all my wonderful readers.

1.What would you like us to know about you?
I live in Augusta, Wisconsin and I am a stay at home mom that knits and crochets to bribe myself to keep the houseclean. Clean for 10 minutes during the commercials (Thank you DVR!) and I can work on projects while my show is on!

2.When did you discover Etsy?
I discover Etsy in 2008 when I was looking for an amigurumi tea set pattern. I wanted to make it for my daughter’s 2nd birthday.

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?
Our family of 5 was living in my parents’ basement due to this wonderful economy and my husband’s company wasn’t paying well and there were literally no jobs in the community we were living in. Okay there was 3: a nursing job (I don’t have the requirements), a pyramid scam, and the topless bar. I wasn’t interested in any of them.
I had 2 totes full of yarn, a box of patterns, every size and type of knitting and crochet needle available to man (Thank you yard sales and Michael’s moving sale!), and our laptop. I figured I had all I needed to attempt to bring in extra cash to get us our own place.

4.What do you sell?
I sell mainly knit and crochet toys sometimes referred to as amigurumi

5.How did you come up with your shop name?
I can’t remember how I came up with flameofsilver, but it was my Etsy username when I was just a buyer and used it when I was branding everything. Then someone pointed out in a shop critique that my username is now my shop name and it didn’t match what was in my banner (at the time Cottage Industries). Cottage Industries was already taken and I mainly have toys so I decided to be Toy Box by flameofsilver

6.How would you describe your shop?
I would describe it as a shop of handcrafted toys made with love. These are my creations and even though I can’t see my customers faces, I hope they mirror the joy in my kids’ faces when I give them one of my handmade gifts.

7.What inspires / motivates you?
I just love to create beautiful things and watch them come together. I see a pattern and think “I want to make that!” or “That is the coolest yarn! What can I use that for?” Then I gather the supplies I want to do and sit in my corner of the couch and start right in!

8.How has Etsy changed your life?
Honestly, I haven’t played Facebook games in months now, since I got serious. SEO (search engine optimization) and promotion threads are my games now. I have learned I can get burnt out from doing too much “footwork” on the computer.

9.Where else can we find you?
(Pick what you want I mainly spend time on fb, twitter, and pinterest)
Connect with me whichever way you choose!
My Blog:

10.Is there anything else you would like to share?
Always do what you love. Life is too short to waste it on something you hate, even if it is a few hours.

11. When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it?
It depends on the size of the item. A big toy can take a couple of weeks where as a small toy can be done at the end of the day. Listing feels like it takes forever! Brain storming keywords, promotion in threads "What is new in your shop?" seem to take the longest. I love doing the pictures and social media though!

12. How much time does you spend on your shop each week?
It is probably most of my day. I am doing what I love. In the mornings, I do the computer stuff: list, promote, edit, rearrange etc. In the afternoons I mix up chores and TV with creating: during commercials, I do chores for 15 minutes and create while my show is on (yay DVR). Evenings after the kids have gone to bed, I work on my more complicated projects. I have playing with the kids here and there throughout the day and I occasionally eat lol. I refuse to do computer work on weekends, except maybe to confirm conversations or drop of a package. But I am constantly creating.

13. How do you promote your shop?
I promote through word of mouth, promotion teams on Etsy, and that HUGE list of social media.

14. How important is social media for your shop?
For all the effort I put into, not that much. I have only gotten 1 sale from social media and that was Wanelo on my hedgehog. I get some views, but not as much as I get through Etsy itself. I keep up on my social media because it honestly doesn’t take that long to share. When I post a new item, it will take less than 30 minutes (and probably closer to 15) to upload pictures, tweet, pin, etc.

I think I got everything. Let me know if you need more!
I think I forgot to add my coupon code: FEATURE for 20%. US shipping is included on all my toys.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Torrana GIVEAWAY: Retro Black / White Polka-dot Small Tote Bag

Torrana is offering this beautiful Retro Black / White Polka-dot Small Tote Bag as a GIVEAWAY to one of my lucky readers! So let's play!  Raffle Starts May 27, 2012.  

Bottom base is 6 inches wide. 
Height: 8 inches
Fabric is cotton and can be washed.
One of a kind item, made with love.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, May 25, 2012

Artezano De La Semana Raquel Torres de Torrana

Hoy me gustaría presentar a la artista Raquel Torres de la tienda Torrana. Ella vende mandiles, bolsas, y diademas preciosas!
La semana que viene Torrana nos ayduadra a rifar uno articulo. Asi que "ojo" vengan a jugar en la rifa! Ahora lean nuestra intrevista.

1.¿Qué te gustaría que sepamos acerca de tí?
Soy una mujer que le gusta ofrecer mis talentos para ayudar a otros. Mi mama fue mi primera maestro y ella me enseno que uno se ofrece a otros, para ayudarles. Ella me enseno a coser. Me gusto, y ya de senora he regresado a las costura. Me gusta todo tipos de coster; tejido, brodado, adornado, y costura de maquina. Ahora, yo como mama, paso el tiempo cosiendo con mis tres hijas.

2.¿Cuándo descubriste Etsy?
Yo no sabia de etsy primeramente. Mis amigas me presentaron ha etsy. Les cosi mandiles y me apoyaron a vender. Una mama de la escuela de mi hija me dijo de etsy. El proximo mes lei una revista que tenia un articulo sobre etsy. Fui inmediatamente ha buscar al Una de mis hijas, Elena, le encanta buscar articulos unicos sobre el internet. Ella ya supo de Etsy, y ella me ayudo.

3.¿Qué te llevó a abrir una tienda en Etsy?
Paso mucho tiempo para registarme en etsy , y otro mes para poner mis productos. Tenia miedo por que no sabia como vender por el internet. No se mucho de la tecnologia. Mi hija, Elena, me apoyo and me ayudo con todo, desde la tiendita a la cuenta de PayPal. Ella tomo las fotos y me alegro me titilo. Ella me ayuda cada dia.

4.¿Qué es lo que vendes?
Empese a vender mandiles "retro". Yo uso mandiles cada dia y me encanta el estilo de los 1940 y 1950. Hacia mandiles para mis amigas y ellas me apoyaron ha empezar a venderlas. Ahora, la tienda tiene otros articulos para la mujer. Mis amigas me pidieron bolsas, y pues ahora tambien vendo bolsas para carga (tote bags). A mis hijas les encanta diferente cintas o bandas para el pello. Buscaban cintas con adornos. Como no las pudimos encontrar, yo misma las hice. Y ahora vendo cintas adornadas. 

5.¿Cómo se te ocurrió el nombre de tu tienda?
El nombre de me tienda, o boutique, es muy personal. Es un nombre inventado de dos apellidos. El mio, Torres, y el de mi esposo, Retana. Juntos somos - Torrana. Cuando nos casamos, hace 20 anos, le dije que si algun dia tendremos nuestro negocio propio, el nombre sera Torrana.

6.¿Cómo describiría su tienda?
Describia mi tiendita como boutique para la mujer unica. Cada articulo es hecho a mano y hecho con cuidado y calidad. Desde el diseno, a los colores, he pensado en cada detayo. Por eso, cada articulo es unico y con su misma personalidad. Creo que cada producto busca a la mujer que le va quedar bien, como si fuera hecho para ella misma.

7.¿Qué te inspira /o te motiva?
Telas. Me encanta las telas. Puedo entrar a una tienda de telas y inmediatamente una tela me captura la atencion. Algunas veces las ideas de que crear con las tela estan hay. Otra veces me gusta la tela tanto que la compro sin saber que ser con ella. Dias, semanas, o meses espero hasta que se me llega la idea. Finalmente, me inspira mis hijas. Ha Elena, le encanta la moda y tiene ideas muy femeninas. Trabajamos juntas muy bien.

8.¿Cómo ha cambiado tu vida con Etsy?
Siento que tengo mas proposito y satisfacion con mi misma. Se que mis ideas se pueden realizar en articulos. Esos articulos (sea mandil, bolsa o cinta para el pello) pueden traer sonrisas y placer a otras mujeres.

9.¿Dónde más podemos encontrar te? ¿Tiene un sitio web o blog fuera de Etsy?

Tengo pagina sobre facebook –

Hay pongo fotos de articulos que se venden por etsy. Tambien pongo telas o ideas que tengo. Tengo otra pagina sobre Pinterest, donde pongo estilos que me gustan y me motivan. Y pues como les dije, desafortunadamente me falta habilidades en la area de la tecnologia. Espero que me pueden encontraran mas seguido. 

10.¿Hay algo más que le gustaría compartir?
Espero que me buscan en Etsy o Facebook. Pongo articulos nuevos cada semana para que regresan regularmente. Ademas, si no encuentran un color specifico, me pueden pedir una orden. 

Eona Adornments Giveaway!

Eona Adornments is offering this cute

 Keychain as a Giveaway!

 One of my readers lucky reader will win! Will it be you? Come by and play the Keychain Giveaway Game!

 Four dangles feature red and blue Swarovski crystals, sterling silver beads and silver filled chain
along with hearts, crystals and a 1.25 disc that says 'love'.

Dangles range in length from 3.5" to 5.5" long. Split key ring plus a clasp to hook to your purse or belt loop.    

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Featured Craft Artist: Mary Bradshaw of Eona Adornments

This week I would like you to meet Mary Bradshaw  from  Eona Adornments, which means "Everything Old is New Again"
She is a self-proclaimed rummager.   Who frequents yard & estate sales, and friends' grandmothers' jewelry boxes, looking for vintage jewelry. She use the components to fashion new pieces from old. Mary likes to give old components a new lease on life, so that you can enjoy a trendy new piece of fashion. 
Also, Mary has been gracious enough to offer one of her beautiful creations as a free giveaway to a lucky winner. So read on and find out what you could win, and how you can play!

1.What would you like us to know about you?
 I'm a mature, single unencumbered female who loves animals and the outdoors. My best day is one spent in the garden or with my horses.

2.When did you discover Etsy?
I discovered Etsy several years ago and lurked for quite some time.

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?
 My friend Leeanna urged me to try Etsy. She said I should share the jewelry that i make with others.

4.What do you sell?
I sell mainly jewelry that I hand craft from old jewelry components. I also sell vintage pieces and retro anything.

5.How did you come up with your shop name?
 EONA is an acronym for Everything Old is New Again. I try to use at least some old components in everything I make.

6.How would you describe your shop? Ecclectic

7.What inspires / motivates you?
 Inspiration comes from everywhere. I may see a picture or a vintage (old) piece of jewelry and I'll get an idea of what to make next.

8.How has Etsy changed your life? 
 Etsy has become a daily routine.

9.Where else can we find you? Do you have a website or blog outside of Etsy?
Being fairly new, I don't have a website or blog yet, although they're both a work in progress.

10.Is there anything else you would like to share?
My mother used to say: "Use it up, wear it out. Make it do, or do without". 'Eona' and I value what has come before and would like to see it live on.

11. When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it?
 Depends. Ideas come quickly, implementing them and taking them to fruition takes longer. I'm an Aires! We love to start things....finishing them is another matter!

12. How much time do you spend on your shop take each week?
 At least a couple of hours every morning.

Tips you might give other thinking of opening an online shop: 
13. How do you promote your shop?
Teams, Facebook, word of mouth

14. How important is social media for your shop?
Social Media is a big factor, and it needs to become more important to my shop. 

 One of my readers lucky reader will win! Will it be you? Come by and play the Keychain Giveaway Game! 

Spiderman Invitations Personalized Custom Made

Here are my latest creations. I just finished making this invitation and these stickers for my shop. These took longer because I had to hand draw my character first.

I hope you like them!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Featured Artist of the Week: Nikki from ThisNThatbyNikki

I would like you to meet Nikki and her Etsy shop: ThisNThatbyNikki. Her shop is, as she likes to call it, “Eclectic.” She offers a variety of items from handmade jewelry to crochet and cross stitch. If you love to shop for unique handmade items, then you should definitely stop by and check out her ThisNThatbyNikki shop.

Nikki recently opened her shop and wanted to offer all my readers a coupon for 15% Off her entire store! Simply make sure you continue reading!

1. What would you like us to know about you?
 I am a serial crafter/do-it-yourself-er. I love to find new ideas and projects to work on. I then work on them obsessively until something else crosses my path, and then continue on. Interests outside the crafting world include gardening, camping, playing with my dog Watson, oh and my day job-- archaeology.
I have an inexplicable love for berry beads and this was my first attempt to make something fun and simple from them. It also happens to be the most favorite thing in my shop

2.When did you discover Etsy?
I have heard rumors of etsy for several years, but it wasn't until talking to my cousin (who just opened her shop CaribouClassics *not so subtle plug*) over the holidays that I really went and checked it out. So I guess my first exposure was January 2012.

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?
Like I said above, I love crafting, generally making gifts for family and friends. But after talking to my cousin, I thought if she can do it so can I. I then made a couple things and posted them, and promptly ignored the site for about a month, naively thinking that someone would magically see my items, think they were brilliant, and snap them right up. Once I realized this wasn't how it worked, I got serious.

4.What do you sell?
As my name suggests, I sell a little bit of this and that. Right now my store is stocked with jewelry and some crocheted items. I like reusing, 'upcycling,' vintage beads in my jewelry and right now some of my favorite items are in the berry bead collection. After experiencing how very swamped the jewelry market is however, I am planning to focus on other types of handcrafts including my crocheted purses. New items (coming soon) will include made to order crocheted lace and cross-stitch embellishments.

5.How did you come up with your shop name?
My shop name is based on my blog name, of course I only posted on my blog once, so that is neither here nor there. But essentially I was searching for something that wouldn't tie me down to any one product. I wanted room to experiment and an excuse to have an eclectic shop.

6.How would you describe your shop? Eclectic.

I made my first knitted/crocheted purse over 12 years ago for a friend and brought that back for my crocheted purse section. This one is one of my favorites

7.What inspires / motivates you?
I am generally inspired by nature. I love being outside and being in my garden. Inspiration for my items in my shop comes from just living life. I like to see beautiful things and I try to recreate that beauty in my creations. If I see something in a magazine or on pinterest I think, 'hmm, how would I make that,' and I go from there.

8.How has Etsy changed your life?
Etsy has given me a reality check. I knew there were a lot of talented people out there, but I realized that the competition is real. There are some seriously talented people on etsy. Not only in what they create, but their ability to photograph, market, and network astounds me. It certainly is a lot more than making some cool stuff, taking pictures, and making money. The main thing I have learned is that while there is competition, there are awesome people out there and almost everyone on etsy is willing to help their fellow crafters out.

9.Where else can we find you?  
You can also find me at:
and if I get my act together and actually use my blog:

Tiger Eyes!

10. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Crafting and etsy should be fun and it certainly can be. Do what you love and love what you do.

11. Tips:
If you want to sell on etsy, make sure you know your local laws and ordinances on business licenses and such. It can be a reality check if you find out after you open your cute shop, that you also have to do the real business side of things.

Research what you want to make, pay attention to trends, keep your shop stocked, join some teams, and don't forget to take a break.

12. When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it?
I probably spend 15-20 hours a week on my shop. Either creating, photographing or marketing.

13. How do you promote your shop?
I primarily promote through teams, other peoples blogs, and facebook. I just met up with people from my local etsy team and everyone had business cards so I ordered some of those too. I plan on doing a craft fair or two to build up a customer base and use etsy to stay in touch.

14. How important is social media for your shop?
Social media is important, because currently my shop only exists online. I get several views a day from sites outside of etsy. If people are following your shop back from another site, then you are more likely to make a sale.

Any coupon code, and or sales going on in your shop that you would like to share? I will offer a 15% off coupon for your blog followers under BlogFeature15.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Artezano De La Semana

Hoy me gustaría presentar a la artista Claudia Rosillo de la tienda texturable. Ella vende bufandas, chales, túnicas, hechos a mano. Todas sus prendas son preciosas, y hoy nos ofrese unos descuentos! Lee nuestra intrevista.

Bienvenida Claudia.

1.¿Qué te gustaría que sepamos acerca de tí?
Mi nombre es Claudia Rosillo, madre de Facundo y diseñadora uruguaya, de 26 años que tengo 5 años en la Universidad de Diseño y que ahora formo parte del Plantel docente.
Todos los días creo algo, amo la investigación de los materiales y la aplicación de ellos en la creación de diversas superficies. Nunca me ato a sistemas rígidos en el proceso de creación de una colección o de un producto sino mas bien dejo fluir las ideas y llevo a cabo todo aquello que surge en esa instancia.

2.¿Cuándo descubriste Etsy?
Descubrí Etsy el año pasado a través de una amiga que tiene tienda también.

3.¿Qué te llevó a abrir una tienda en Etsy?
Me parece una excelente plataforma de venta internacional y en aquel momento me ahorraba muchos gastos en implementar un e-commerce en mi página web.

4.¿Qué es lo que vendes?
Vendo prendas con diseño de autor con una alta carga de artesanía, ya sea en la tela o en la confección haciendo que cada prenda sea única. Mis colecciones son atemporales, dependiendo del color y la textura usada puede usarla una jovencita como una abuela.
Trabajo todos los materiales: lana, cuero, algodón, seda, etc. a los que los intervengo con diferentes procesos: amaso, afieltro, tejo, tiño, bordo, etc. . También creo prendas recicladas con desechos textiles e insumos sin tratar como el vellón de lana recién esquilada o el capullo de seda perforado por la salida de la mariposa.

5.¿Cómo se te ocurrió el nombre de tu tienda?
Una de las cosas que mas me atrae es sentir la textura de las cosas y como siempre estuve pegada a la naturaleza, lo natural, lo orgánico y por supuesto leí y aprendí mucho sobre sustentabilidad, hice una suma de las dos: Texturable = Textura Sustentable.

6.¿Cómo describiría su tienda?
Como un espacio donde puedo mostrar todos los aspectos de mis creaciones y donde todas las personas pueden encontrar algo de su agrado sin importar tendencias o edad.

7.¿Qué te inspira /o te motiva?
La vida, el amor, mi hijo, la naturaleza, los sentimientos, la investigación y los materiales… ellos te susurran cosas para hacer.

8.¿Cómo ha cambiado tu vida con Etsy?
Se me ha abierto un mundo que antes no consideraba y que hoy por hoy es muy importante para mí y quiero dedicarle más tiempo porque es como tener una tienda abierta las 24 horas del día. Inclusive me han surgido muestras y exposiciones que me han contactado a través de Etsy por lo cual creo que es un cambio importante el de mostrarse al resto del mundo y estar preparado para ello.

9.¿Dónde más podemos encontrar te? (¿Tiene un sitio web o blog fuera de Etsy?)
No y sí. Mi sitio web lo estoy construyendo (no tengo mucho tiempo entre Texturable y mi hijo) pero si bien pones en el buscador www., este te va a redirigir a Facebook que es lo que uso como segunda herramienta de comunicación. 

10.¿Hay algo más que le gustaría compartir?
Que me siento una persona plena porque he logrado vivir de lo que me gusta hacer. Me gustaría poder incentivar más a las personas en el uso de los materiales sustentables y reciclados y apreciar las prendas que duran años, frente a las modas rápidas y desechables que se consumen actualmente.

Consejos que podrían dar a otros pensando en abrir una tienda por internet:

11. Cuando consigues una nueva idea, ¿cuánto tiempo te llevará a ejecutar y añadirla a tu tienda?

Generalmente soy muy ansiosa, por lo cual ejecutar una idea no me lleva mucho tiempo, seguramente no más de una semana. Pero añadirla a mi tienda me lleva más tiempo ya que considero que hay que tener una buena fotografía de producto para que la gente pueda apreciar lo que es en realidad y hacerme el tiempo para lograr esto a veces me es muy complicado.

12. ¿Cuánto tiempo toma tu tienda cada semana?
Muchas horas… es lo mismo que tener una tienda física, contando además de que inglés no es mi lengua materna, por lo cual, la fluidez al escribir los ítems y todo lo que sea escrito es un poco más lento de lo habitual

13. ¿Cómo promueves tu tienda?
La socialización creo que una de las reglas del Marketing que trato de aplicar lo más que puedo. Pertenezco a varios grupos o “teams” dentro de Etsy, uso Facebook, Pinterest y Wanelo.

14. ¿Qué importancia tiene los medios sociales para tu tienda?
En realidad mucha, estoy muy consciente que es importante no solo cuidar tu tienda si no la publicidad y que la gente pueda encontrarla y hablar de ella.

Tienes algunos descuentos?
Tengo una sección con descuentos:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sticker Give-Away! Would you like some FREE Stickers?


I would like to offer one of my lucky readers their choice

 of a set of 20 stickers (2 inch round) or a set of 18 oval 

stickers (2.5 inch). You get to choose for my shop

 which design you would like to get personalized

All you have to do is follow my blog

and "like the facebook page.

Best of luck!


Featured Craft artist of the Week: Korie from SeaglassReinvented

This week I would like to introduce Korie from SeaglassReinvented. She use genuine sea glass, discovered on the beaches near San Francisco, CA, along the Pacific Ocean. The more rare colors such as cobalt blue she  found on Puerto Rican Beaches. All of her jewelry is handmade, and crafted with the greatest care and attention.

1.What would you like us to know about you? I’m pretty sure I was born to create. Focusing on a new creation is a meditative-like exercise that helps me remove myself from my stress and worries. Even though I have only been making jewelry for a short time, I’ve been involved in many creative endeavors throughout my life and I still am. I also write music, sing, play guitar, shoot amateur photography, and make cute fuzzy animals out of felt. Currently all my creative focus has been on my jewelry.

2.When did you discover Etsy?

I discovered Etsy last year when I was shopping for gifts. I fell in love with all the beautiful handmade items on Etsy and felt like I wanted to be a part of it.

3.What prompted you to open an Etsy Shop?

I’ve been working on sea glass jewelry for about 4 months, so I’m just starting out. I fell in love with sea glass jewelry last year, but I felt like most of the jewelry was made with store bought charms and with very little personal attention to detail. Once I realized that California has such a beautiful supply of sea glass on the beaches, I decided that I would learn how to make my own jewelry with these beautiful surf tumbled gems. There is something really special knowing that you’re wearing a unique piece of sea glass that exists nowhere else. Each piece of sea glass has a history and traveled through the waters to make it into my hands. Usually it takes anywhere from 30 to 100 years for sea glass to become smooth from the surf and sand.

4.What do you sell?

I sell genuine sea glass jewelry made with sterling silver and antique brass. Finding sea glass can involve many hours of beach combing. Not all sea glass that I find can be used in my jewelry. Most sea glass I find hasn’t been tumbled long enough and has too many sharp edges or smooth surfaces that haven’t been frosted from the sea. Only sea glass that is completely round with no nicks or sharp edges can be made into jewelry.

5.How did you come up with your shop name?

Well, the idea for Seaglass Reinvented came from the fact that the sea invents the glass into something new, other than what man intended, and then I reinvent the sea glass into jewelry.

6.How would you describe your shop?

The jewelry I make is focused on simple, minimalist style pieces that are elegant and flowing. A great amount of time and effort goes into my handmade silver work pieces, and I hope that it shows in my jewelry.

7.What inspires / motivates you?

Finally finishing a piece that I’m proud of and that I feel really represents my best is what motivates me. When I see a completed piece and it takes my breath away, I know I’ve done something right.

8.How has Etsy changed your life? 

Every day I’m thinking about sea glass I can find or purchase, new jewelry techniques I can learn or that I want to try out, or better ways that I can promote my shop. Every day I feel so excited and motivated to continue creating and improving as an artist, and it brings me so much joy to create wearable art that includes a piece of sea tumbled history.

9.Where else can we find you? (Do you have a website or blog outside of Etsy?)


10.Is there anything else you would like to share?

I’ve learned that making jewelry requires a lot of patience, dedication, hard work, and the willingness to make mistakes. I realize that building a successful business can’t happen overnight, but I can definitely celebrate the little victories I see every day. Today, I had my first repeat customer make another purchase from my shop! The little things help keep me motivated in spite of all the challenges.

Tips you might give other thinking of opening an online shop: 

11. When you get a new idea, how long does it take you to execute and list it?

Finding the sea glass from the beach can take many hours, as it can be based on luck. After I find and select a piece of sea glass for jewelry, I drill a tiny hole in the glass to suspend it as a pendant or earring. Then I decide what sort of silver bail or silver charm I can make to suit the piece. I often will practice this design using craft wire so I don’t waste the precious metal, as it is costly. Practicing this design could take 20 minutes or up to 2 hours, depending on how well I’m able to make my idea come alive in the piece. Sometimes my idea never really shapes like I thought it would, and that’s okay. It’s all a part of the process. I craft the piece only after I’ve decided on a design and feel confident I can replicate it using sterling silver. Once the piece is shaped, I typically forge the silver to flatten and shine the metal. The forging only takes a few minutes. Finally the silver is placed in a jewelry tumbler (not the sea glass) for 2 hours. Fortunately, the tumbler does all the work. This hardens and shines the silver. Now the piece is ready to be attached to my sea glass and worn as jewelry. In order for my work to be sold, I then spend about an hour more to photograph the piece, edit the photo so the image is clear and bright, write up a description, and post the piece for sale on Etsy. After the jewelry is posted, I promote it on various networking sites as well. Promotion may take an additional hour.

12. How much time do you spend on your shop each week?

Most of my free time is spent making jewelry, learning new jewelry making techniques, shopping for supplies, combing the beach for sea glass, photographing my work to post on Etsy, and promoting and marketing my shop. I spend about 30 hours per week on my shop, in addition to working a full time day job.

13. How do you promote your shop?

Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Flicker, Instagram, Pinterest, Wanelo and Stumbleupon are the main sites that I network on.

14. How important is social media for your shop?

Networking on social media definitely helps drive traffic to my shop. My advice is to promote your work on as many sites as possible.

15. Do you have any coupons or sales going on in your shop?
Anyone who favorites my shop on facebook will receive a coupon code for 10% off anything in my Etsy shop.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Western Baby Shower Invites Cowboy Western Party Invitations Printable

Here is what I have been working on this week. I was asked if I could make some cowboy baby shower invites. I said yes, of course, and I asked what colors she had in mind. She responded with red, brown and baby blue. So set to work. This is what I came up with!

I was also asked if I could make matching water bottle labels, and cupcake toppers. So I will be working on those this weekend. I give you a sneak peek when they are finished. :)