
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Owl Valentine's Treat Bag Topper- Owl Loves Candy Shop Set of 12

Hi everyone, 
I just spent this evening working on these cute treat bag toppers. These treat toppers  I made for a Valentine Party. If you would like some,  visit my shop. 

Order this customized treat bag topper for the perfect personalized valentine's treat!

With this unique valentine topper, your child is sure to be the coolest kid at the party!

You will receive 12 Treat Bag Toppers, customized with your child's name on the Front. All you have to do is cut, fold and staple to cellophane bags filled with your favorite valentine cookie or candies.

The tags come it two sized 6.5"wide x 2" high (holded) or 4” wide x 2” high (folded).

If you would like to have the pirntable version so you can print them yourself send me an email and I will make a custom order for you.

I will send you a proof 48 hours after you have emailed me your child’s name and message you would like on the front of your topper. 
Please let me know what size you would like your bag toppers.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Personalized Labels Round Stickers - Etiquetas Engomadas

I met this gal who needed some help with her biz. So I created some round sticker labels for her to use as thank you notes with her shipments. I liked the way they turned out, so I decided to add some other round stickers to my shop.

 If you would me to make some personalized labels for you send me and email. 
You can place an order here.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Los más lindos diseños de tarjetas listas para imprimir en casa.

Nosotros las  editamos y ustedes las imprimen. Mas facil no puede ser.

Fiesta de Elmo
Tarjeta de Cumpleanos Elmo

Fiesta de Carros
Tarjeta de Cumpleanos Carros

Fiesta de Beisbol
Tarjeta de Cumpleanos Beisbol, Baseball

Thursday, January 26, 2012

DIY Zebra Print Bridal Shower Invitations

diy zebra print bridal shower invitations

If you are looking for personalized bridal shower invitations, then you might like some of the bridal invitations that I have designed. Here are a few of invites. If you do not find something you like, send me an email and I will try to design an invitation just for you. 

These bachelorette invites can be printed at home or at your nearest office supply store, like Staples, Office Max, or Office Depot.

diy zebra print bridal shower invitations

diy print bridal shower invitations

Invitaciones de Zebra

Invitaciones de Zebra
Estas invitaciones se pueden pedir en ingles o español. Ud. la imprime en casa.

Invitaciones de Zebra

Invitaciones de cebra

Diseños De Invitaciones Para Que Hagas En Casa

Los más lindos diseños de tarjetas listas para imprimir en casa.

Nosotros las  editamos y ustedes las imprimen. Mas facil no puede ser.

Fiesta de Dulces


Fiesta de Lego

Fiesta de changos

Monday, January 23, 2012


¿Tiene una fiesta? Usted podría estar interesado en estas Etiquetas Para Botellas de Agua. Imprimalas en casa.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

PRINTABLE Water Bottle Label DIY - Owl Theme Pink Baby Owl

Here are some PRINTABLE Water Bottle Label DIY - Owl Theme Pink Baby Owl  for your next birthday party. I made these after I made the cupcake ones. I thought you might like these as well.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Etiquetas Para Botellas de Agua Para Fiesta de Buho Imprimible

Me pase la tarde haciendo estas etiquetas. Estas las pued imprimir en su casa. Le agrego el nombre, la edad, y  la fecha de su fiesta.

Friday, January 20, 2012

PRINTABLE DIY Water Bottle Label DIY - Cupcake Theme Pink cup cake

Hi everyone
I spent this weekend working on some water bottle labels. I plan to use these for my god daughters birthday party. These are going to be the party favors.  I think they turned out nicely.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Birthday Owl Printable Birthday Invitations, One Hour Printable Photo Card

I was looking for some cute cupcake invitations at my local party store. I was looking for cute, and unique, but I did not find what I was looking for. So, I decided to make my own. After I made my card, it came to me maybe others would also like personalized invitations that they could make at home. Not only is it unique, but it save you money. What do you think?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Custom Bridal Shower and or Bachelorette Zebra Invitations DIY Printables

If you are looking to save some money but still have a personalized feel for your bachelorette/bridal shower, then one way to do so it to print your own invitations. You can print them at home or that them to the nearest office supply store to make colored copies. You could also take them to the print shop and pirnt them on photo paper. It's really up to you.
Custom Bridal Shower and or Bachelorette Zebra Invitations DIY Printables

I will add your information on these cards.
Here is how it works.

First, you place your order.

Second, you email me your picture, and your message.

Then, within 48 hours of receiving payment, photo, and message I will email you a proof your approval.

Finally, once you have approved the proof, I will email you the full JEPG 5 inches by 7 inches  or 4X6 inches
Visit us on Facebook to see what new.

Will Ship Worldwide. Your Message can be in any language!